Our Mission

to eliminate the threat of homelessness and fulfill the promise of affordable housing

Who We Are

A statewide coalition of partners and advocates working to end homelessness and create opportunities for low-income Kentuckians to live in affordable homes. Since 1987, HHCK has advocated at the federal and state levels of government for the housing needs and opportunities for low-income Kentuckians and our member organizations. We educate policymakers and communities around affordable housing and homeless service policy across the Commonwealth.

Housing Story Collector/Survey

Are you struggling with housing issues? Want to connect with policymakers and media? Tell us your story.

Are You Facing Eviction Right Now?

If you have a court date you MUST attend. You may be eligible for the Team Kentucky Eviction Diversion Program. To review requirements and to apply click here. For other resources visit our COVID-19 Response page.

Our Commitment to Racial Justice

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